Indiana INsider's Guide

12 FREE Days in Downtown Indianapolis

And on the 3 rd day of Christmas my true love gave to me…12 free days in Downtown Indianapolis! Come downtown and save some money this holiday season by taking advantage of the following deals {courtesy of Indianapolis Downtown, Inc.}: December 13th – FREE admission to the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial…

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Christmas at the Zoo

From now until late December the dull of a hump day evening is no more! Let your imagination come to life as you enter the Indianapolis Zoo this holiday season where you and your family can enjoy the festive side of the holidays with a “wild” twist! Raved as the longest standing tradition in any zoo…

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The City Market - So Fresh

City Market I caught myself flipping through the channels a few days ago and saw the news was talking about a new fresh fish section in the city market. Which lead to my curiosity of what kind of fish were being sold and where is the city market? After a quick search on my phone, I realized it was…

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